Thursday, July 31

The Prettiest Girls

Happy girls are the prettiest girls!

"A state of heart in which you would be at peace if God gave you nothing more than He already has." From, Let the Journey Begin, Max Lucado

Life is a journey, and the road we each travel is paved with disappointments. However easy life may or may not be, discontentment will present itself from time to time.

The "School of Patience" is often a classroom filled with lessons developed from perplexing circumstances. How we behave whilst waiting, uncovers our faith and our flaws.

Exercising patience is indeed an opportunity to forge character. Although receiving the desired outcome is very rewarding, the prized possession lies within.

A patient journey of embracing what really matters is the crowning glory to everyone’s story.

Our son displays impatience whenever we go bike riding together (which is often). We are both very competitive. His age and determination make for a good workout on my part. We have a lot of fun however; if I slow down to enjoy the experience, within seconds he says, “Hurry up, Mom!” If I speed up he will say, “It’s not a race.” Funny! Either way, I cannot win.

Taking our son for a bike ride is effortless despite our simple differences. I just smile and factor in that he is a work in progress just as I am.

Patience is definitely a perpetual virtue. When you think you've mastered being patient, a circumstance or character will send you back to the “School of Patience.”

Patience is cultivated by casting our cares at the cross and choosing to trust God and His promises rather than worry ourselves sick or saying things that should never be part of a Believer's vocabulary in the first place.

“Be careful for nothing...” In other words, stop worrying!

Patience is refined in our learning to be content regardless of the circumstances. How can we learn to be content when the situation is complex and not just a mere bike ride?

The Bible tells us how. Hebrews 13:5 says, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

Be Content

1. Strive to live with less rather than desiring more.
2. Give out of your abundance rather than accumulating more
3. Relish what you have rather than resent what you are missing
4. See God’s love in what He has provided
5. Keep your vocabulary sweet
6. No comparing

Money and possessions will all pass away. Trust God to meet all your needs.

It’s taken me years to learn to be content. Possessions and a position can be such a stronghold. There was a time when Lot’s wife and I had one thing in common; we looked over our shoulder at what was and longed to return regardless of the cost.

God is perfectly patient and I am grateful He is my navigator - nudging me through the fog of a new culture, new country, new friends, and indeed - a new life…

Learn to be content, ”So that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Hebrews 13:5

Discontentment is a battle you’ll fight alone.

The third and final element to practicing patience is: “Be Calm.” We’ll continue this lesson tomorrow.

From the Heart of Deborah Choma

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