Monday, September 15

Attractive and Authentic

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7

Our life and worth come from God’s Spirit.

The chemical elements that formed our bodies were common not complex. The body is a lifeless shell until God brings it alive with his “breath of life.”

Many boast of their achievements only to fail soon after. Others have no achievements to boast of. In reality, our worth comes from the God of the universe who chooses to give us the mysterious and miraculous gift of life.

Value life as God does | There are no accidents | God ordains life

He gives us choices. Be wise and not willful. Stubbornness creates chaos. The cascading consequences of your sin will hurt others and you. Yet just as God used Eden for His eternal purposes, He will turn your mess to a harness for prudence and purity.

You are God’s creative work. The goal in your life is oneness with God.

If you are married, the goal in your life is oneness with your husband. Oneness means being one in the nest; in agreement, having a unique bond, sameness.

Are you irritable or argumentative?

A cantankerous woman is synonymous with canker and a dog; it smells before it barks, yet the greater irritation is glued to the ears full of canker – you!

God styles and equips men and women for various tasks but all lead to the same goal – honoring God.

Man gives life to woman; woman gives life to the world. Each role carries exclusive privileges; there is no room for thinking that man is superior to woman or vice versa.

I was asked to speak at an annual meeting for “The Business Women’s Association.” The topic was “Being A Woman in a Man’s World.” After the tone for the agenda was set, I was outnumbered by a majority. I graciously declined the speaking engagement and chose a superior platform.

I am learning to lead God’s prepared orchestra and turn my back on the crowd to focus on His work.

The loss of a speaking engagement was a win. Authentic Christians will always be victorious even if they are outnumbered.

In with the good things is a choice. “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Coolness toward God’s tenderness will interrupt God’s influence in your life; it does not mean we have lost His presence or Spirit. Being cool rather than sweet, temporarily forfeits God's power in your life and diminishes the joy of your salvation.

Does your life picture a dying or living grace? Do your words speak life into others?

Look at the verse again, "Create in me a clean heart...renew a right spirit within me."

✔ A clean heart sweeps the dirt out every day and replaces it with the pure ground of right thinking.
✔ A right spirit constantly turns from sin statements that compromise our position and purpose.

Cultivate character rather than compromising your authentic Christianity. God replaced our sin with His purity on the cross. Now we have a role model for a clean heart and right spirit.

The Lord and His ways are perfect; sit by the wayside fixated on His road-map, which is His Word. You will be ready when He passes by.

Continue with His superior method for living. You will foster and nourish your dying graces; knowing that all the power must proceed from Him, continue to pray, "Renew a right spirit within me."

Are you heavyhearted or facing significant burdens? You may feel alone or overwhelmed by the pace of life. Take some time today to magnify the Lord. Deliberately step out of your pace and express your awareness of His greatness, His nearness, and His power—evident through His Son, His creation and His Word. When we focus on the awesome nature of the God of this universe, everything pulls rank.

Like Mary, focus on the Lord and your soul will rejoice in the glory of our Savior. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." Luke 1:46-47

The belly of the instrument creates the sweetest music.
The bottom of the heart uncovers delightful praises.

Start your "To Do" list something like this:
1. Respect God's Instructions
2. Respect My Husband
3. Respect And Preserve Authentic Christianity

From the Heart of Deborah Choma

The Open Doors Institute
Christian Trainer | Conference Speaker

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