Wednesday, December 3

Elegant Thoughts

"In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul." Psalm 94:19

May peace flood your heart today! It has mine.

Unrest is a test. Do we pray the price for anything? For the majority - I think not!

Our thoughts are just that – thoughts. They are rarely the voice of truth. We will never experience peace and an expected end unless we use a specific formula;

Pray more: Think less.

Driving home this morning, mulling over life, and thinking what would be…if I had done this or that; consumed with questions posed from circumstances I face that are unclear and in fact, unnerving.

How many thoughts pass through our minds in a single day or a single hour? Who can tell from where they come, or what laws link them together? How many of them have no connection with any that went before? How many of them tossed into our minds when we would avoid them? How many are vain and frivolous; how many are skeptical; how many are polluted and polluting? How many come into our mind undisclosed to our best friends?

How few of us would walk abroad if we were conscious that all whom we met looked into our heart and saw a mind map of all that passes there!

What a consolation it is, that they cannot see our thoughts!

What a world of confusion and embarrassment if, in the streets of a crowded city, we met our fellow man and the contents of our mind lay open on the pages of a thinker’s biography!

Yet, in the multitude of our thoughts - so empty, so foolish, so sinful, so vexing, so skeptical, so polluting - there are others.

There are thoughts of God, of Christ, of heaven, of hope, of faith, of love, of benevolence; a thought within us, when the divine promises come to the heart and the prospect of heaven warms the soul.

That is “Wow” warmth!

These thoughts give “comfort;” these fill the soul with “delight.” Happy we are when we find in our heart, midst the multitude of thoughts within us, those that pertain to God; to a higher life - to heaven.

It is here, in this moment, that you will uncover peace.

Elegant thinker – you will always have a haven at home, rest in your heart, and elegant thoughts fit for a Kingdom woman.

From the Heart of Deborah Choma

Christian Trainer | Conference Speaker

The Open Doors Institute


Suzan said...

This is beautiful, Deborah. It evokes peace.

Tricia said...

Just got to read this! I love it! Very thought provoking and creative ! I am glad that everyone can't read/hear my thoughts. This was a challenge to have more thoughts of my God's awesomeness and His love and goodness!
Love you!

Deborah Choma said...

Thank you for your comments Suzan and Tricia.

God's peace is the palace I reach in my mind after a maze of inferior thinking.

Love Isaiah's description of God's awesomeness - a grandeur moment; he saw (or he "got it), he stopped, he was silenced.

The verses have a "Wow" factor to them. Being used of Him requires purging and then re-positioning our thinking higher and higher.

Isaiah 6:5-7 "Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged."

