Mosaic Flora Wall, Floor, & Columns
It's our 'Taking A Break' from Revelation
Mosaics are perhaps a quaint metaphor for my life. I love Italian Mosaics especially when their application is to replicate something useful and enjoyable to the consumer. The best and aging mosaicists in the world are based in Italy. It is a dying art. Mosaic masterpieces are made with purposefully hand broken, cut ceramic tiles; the finest quality Italian made porcelain glazed tiles, incorporating flat polished river stones and other found objects including, vintage, terracotta and handmade ceramic tiles, decorated ceramic wares, glass pebbles and bottles. There are no limits to the imagination of what can be turned into something magnificent.
My life was broken into a thousand pieces – like pieces of mosaics; each piece represented lineage, lessons, and experience. Having traveled to many cities around the world, I encountered amazing adventures into unusual places and enjoyed the luxuries that most would only ever dream of in a lifetime. But what still eluded me was a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. God took those broken pieces and strategically pieced them back - His way! And, in addition to the assurance of my salvation, I met and married my sweetheart.
Over the last three and a half years, there has been a radical restructuring in my life. I have triumphed through the work of His hands and become sensitive to nuance; to things that are beyond, deeper, unknown, and sometimes unknowable. More importantly, I have recognized the need for obedience. I keep a perspective, a sense of the long term or bigger picture, and the relevance of struggles in my life. This expanded awareness helps me to be humble and fresh, often with a touch of humor.
We embody the wisdom of God when we embrace His principles and apply them to our day-to-day lives. Nothing is ever just its isolated self; it always has multiple meanings and roles. When we accept God’s will for our lives, the filters change on the way we view our circumstances --- through which we can better understand ourselves and the significance of the trials in our lives. What we think about governs how we view life and how we react to people. Our words define who we really are at our core level. “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
Learning is contagious and has been a key ingredient in my ability to overcome sorrow. I studied every Bible verse I could and became “fear wise.” I used it as my crown of glory which, in turn, created a powerful testimony to other women! My resonance guides those over whom I have influence and makes it easier for them to imitate the same principles and apply them to their lives.
We have a profound impact on others, especially our families. We are accountable for the way we act in response to the trials in our lives. Every word and every move is under the watchful eye of those we directly inspire. It’s never just about us!
Instinctively, we resist change! I have learned to be patient with all that is unresolved in my heart. And, I do not seek for the answers that cannot be given. God clears the confusion that filters through and sabotages our ability to overcome what we need to. He is not the author of confusion – Satan is! “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” (I Corinthians 14:33)
I weave my life through my precious family. Women were designed to live a simple life. Simplicity at one level generates sophistication on another. When you allow God to open those doors in your mind that have kept you captive for so long, you discover a lasting peace and an everlasting joy that propels you through your struggles and gives you that ‘touched-by-His-hands’ charisma.
Thomas Jefferson once quoted – “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Getting real about my life, my ministry, and the people I directly affect has been the key to stability and contentment in my life. It’s never too late to change and most of us need to change the filters in our mind which govern how we see things and how we respond to what we view as terrible.
In God's eyes, you are more precious than a breathtaking mosaic. He is the Creator of your inward and outward beauty. Only He knows the work He has put into you and continues to perfect.
We are all a work in progress!
I Love You,
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