Tuesday, January 21

Thanksgiving In January

"The life that counts blessings discovers it’s yielding much more than it seems. And our lives yield most when we yield most to God.” 

As a Christian, I am growing into a Kingdom Woman and so are you!

You see, virtues are in essence; adding value to what already exists. We (you and I), are highly treasured. We are not flawless, yet our King sees us as perfect.

Do you believe it?

After five months of sobriety, I have started training a group of women. In fact, I have been in the fight of my life against breast cancer. Praise be to God that they can no longer find the dreaded carcinoma and I am well on my way to complete healing.

God often stops us to change our direction. He has greater plans for our lesser thinking and I am excited to be transferring what I believe has been birthed through my season of suffering.

A Kingdom Woman is a work in progress. However, one thing distinguishes her toward the mark of a complete profile; thanksgiving always walks her toward peace.

I am thankful for being snowed in today. It has provided me with time to research, write, and pour myself into being thankful for the little and big things in my life.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in the Bible says, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 

Like snow flurries, I want to perceive the uniqueness of each and every drop of grace and pause to consider their impact on my life.

A Kingdom Woman gives thanks to God
not because of how she feels
but because of whom He is.

I thank God for the gift of cancer. It has blessed my life and the lives of those under my influence...whomever you are!?

What are you thankful for today?

From the heart of Deborah Choma

1 comment:

Francisco González Barros said...

Dear Deborah,
I am deeply impressed by the example of your strength and firm trust in God.
Living as a Christian is more than words and intellectual strength; you ashow us that it's to incorporate into our lives the divine will as a blessing, whether or not understandable, should we like it or not, whether or not easily matching our plans to his blessed will. It is not easy for humans, but it is possible for the man or woman of faith, for those who know that Our Lord also passes by our side with pain and grief.
You cannot imagine how much I appreciate your humility to share with all your experience.
Close to you in my prayers!