Friday, September 12

Taste of Grace

Wonderfully Made, Faithfully Minded, Amazingly Redeemed, Caringly Nurtured, Truly Blessed, Highly Favored and Deeply Loved!

Galatians 1-6

“Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.” Galatians 6:24

Galatians was Martin Luther’s favorite Epistle. Not only is the sinner saved by grace through faith, but the saved sinner lives by grace.

Grace is a way to life, and a way of life!

Galatia was distinguished for the fertility of its soil and the flourishing state of its trade. It was also the seat of colonies from various nations, among whom were many Jews; and from all of these Paul appears to have made many converts to Christianity - “Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.” 1 Corinthians 16:1

His first visit , Acts 16:6, probably took place about A. D. 51-2; and the second, Ac 18:28, after which his epistle to the Galatians appears to have been written, was several years later. At his first visit he was sick; yet they received him "as an angel of God," and most heartily embraced the gospel. Four or five years afterwards Jewish teachers, professing Christianity, came among them; they denied Paul's apostolic authority, exalted the works of the law, and perverted the true gospel by intermixing with it the rites of Judaism.

Paul, learning their state, probably at Corinth, A. D. 57-8, wrote his epistle to the Galatians;
1. He heatedly rebukes his children in Christ for their sudden alienation from him and from the truth.
2. He vindicates his authority and his teachings as an apostle, by showing that he received them from Christ himself.
3. He forcibly presents the great doctrine of Christianity, justification by faith, with its relations to the law on the one hand, and to holy living on the other.

Personal Observation
I resolve myself to be a listener. Not always am I the victorious listener but I do place being a “listener” high on my values list and strive for that goal daily.

Thrice weekly, I have the blessed opportunity to listen to God’s word being taught by our Preacher, Pastor Jack Schaap. I not only listen with my ears and with the attention which I usually give so generously, but also with the eye of self- examination; asking myself - as I proceed step by step, "Do I know that? Have I received that? Have I been taught of God in this matter? Have I been led into that truth?"

And my hope is that someone to whom these things have been merely external (until now) , and therefore valueless - may be led by God to get hold of them, so that they may be matters of the soul, and heart, and conscience.

When this recipe captivates our attention, we may enjoy the truth in its entirety, and find ourselves in a position, where once we feared that we would never be, specifically - (in a state of reconciliation with God) and happily enjoying peace with the Most High.

There is a plan of salvation by grace, and by grace alone; and it is a great thing to know that where grace is, there are no works.

"Nothing in my hands I bring: Simply to thy cross I cling."
It is down on the ground that we must live.

We must build upon the rock itself. It is simply believing, simply trusting. Oh! believe him! Trust him, and it shall be the joy of your soul to have a peace with God which, as the world did not give you, so the world shall never take away, but you shall have it for ever and ever.

God grant it to you today!

I Love You,

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