Wednesday, December 2

Dynamic Achiever

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

Being productive drives me at core level. My husband describes me as dynamic in the home; schedule and discipline lay the foundation for accomplishing a whole lot during my day.

Today I was reminded and assured of being affectionate toward God and demonstrating my love to Him in practical ways. By walking according to the rule of the Gospel (which is emphatically styled in truth), I must strive to be sincere in God’s eyes. Reading my Bible each day and educating myself on what makes the Father happy is an assuring testimony to my conscience.

Showing practical love and affection to my husband is one of the greatest ways I can show God I love Him. How I love my sweetheart reflects how I feel about God.

As a Christian woman I want my affection for God to spring into action. Anyone can say they love God; nevertheless sincerity comes through living and walking according to the Word of God. Being fruitless in our Christianity is as meaningless as our words resting on the end of our tongues and never reaching our fingertips.

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

Sincere love is fruitful; true affection will put forth itself into action. Am I sincere in the sight of God? What I do for my husband is a litmus test. Truth manifests itself through our actions at home.

This is my love-not to you Father. Thank you for assuring me of my purpose. What I do demonstrates love and truth. What I do for my marriage validates my words clearly and convincingly.

I love you – Deborah

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