Wednesday, November 18

Love Note to God

“O Lord, thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul; thou hast redeemed my life.” Lamentations 3:58

Now that my son is at school, I have entered the work-place after a six year break. For such a time as this, I am supplementing the household income.

My daily walk with God is the most important start to my day and one I maintain faultlessly. Beginning work did not equate to ending my Bible and prayer time. There is no priority greater than our walk with God.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

If you were reminded of what a good Christian lady must do each day, I encourage you to start writing love-notes to God. Choose a verse that has tugged on your heart strings and then write your thoughts into a journal you can take with you to work, school, shopping, or in the home.

This exercise will enable you to memorize Scripture, cultivate truth, and teach and train the next generation. This foundation is fundamental and will equate to success in the Christian woman's life - regardless of the pit holes we fall into.

Love-Note to God

"The delight of my soul is a grateful spirit and the soil of appreciation is nurtured on a regular basis. Cultivating gratitude is the crowning virtue on a woman’s head. We must shake off those doubts and fears and reclaim His promise.

Father, this morning I was reminded of an attitude you love; when I pass through the trials of life you love to hear my songs of deliverance. There are no disputes when it comes to our Saviour; “I hope, I trust, I sometimes think,” that God has pleaded the causes of my soul?

Being reminded that I must always speak as a matter of fact, with a clear melodious voice of full assurance – the Comforter HAS pleaded the causes of my soul and the soul of every Believer.

Your Daughter"

I love you and I believe in you!


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