Wednesday, April 24

Create Your Manners Moment

Responsibility of transferring manners used to belong to the family unit. Parents were interactive and proactive in seeing that their children learned etiquette as it pertained to everyday activities, formal occasions, and table manners.

Our world has changed and we have many scenarios where both parents work and in many cases, the child is growing up in a single-parent home environment. In essence, little time and attention is given to manners.

Families that unite around the dining table discussing the day's events, family values, and behavior, now rarely exist. If your family has managed to preserve the ideal, you are blessed. However, do you instruct in manners?

It is not possible to demonstrate and encourage proper table manners to anyone seated in the back of a car eating fries out of a paper bag.

Nonetheless, it is never too late.
Opportunities to improve manners
are at our fingertips every day.

We are all a work in progress and I encourage you to start – today! Develop a "Manners Moment" where you create a unique tablescape and uncover the beauty of sitting to dine, social graces, communicating, and proper table manners. 

Decide to be distinctive and step outside the box of daily life.

This is a step toward embracing the art of confident living and discovering practical ways on how to be a lady. We can all learn to navigate life with ease in manners.

Until next time...the Lord knows we all need to beautify our world.

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